Includes derived metrics for each lake such as lake geometry (e.g., area, perimeter, shape metrics), lake connectivity (e.g., lake connectivity class, number of upstream lakes), and whether the lake is located within an area that was glaciated during the Late Wisconsin glaciation.


Variable nameVariable descriptionUnits
lagoslakeidunique lake identifier developed by LAGOS-US
lake_waterarea_hasurface area of lake waterbody polygon from NHD comprised of open water; islands are excludedhectare
lake_totalarea_hatotal area of the lake waterbody polygon from the NHD; includes combined area of open water and any islands within the outer boundaryhectare
lake_islandarea_hasurface area of any islands contained within the outer boundary of the lake waterbody polygon from NHDhectare
lake_perimeter_mperimeter of outer boundary of lake waterbody polygon from the NHD; excludes perimeter of any islandsmeter
lake_islandperimeter_mperimeter of islands contained within the outer boundary of the lake waterbody polygon from the NHDmeter
lake_shorelinedevfactorshoreline development factor; calculated as lake_perimeter_m divided by the product of 2 times the square root of pi times lake_waterarea_ha
lake_mbgconhull_length_mthe maximum possible distance between any two vertices of the minimum bounding geometry convex hull that encloses the lake polygonmeter
lake_mbgconhull_width_mthe maximum width of the lake convex hull polygon along an axis perpendicular to the axis defined by the convex hull lengthmeter
lake_mbgconhull_orientation_degorientation of the line defining the convex hull length; calculated as decimal degrees clockwise from northdegree
lake_mbgrect_length_mlength of the minimum bounding geometry rectangle by area enclosing the lake polygonmeter
lake_mbgrect_width_mwidth of the minimum bounding geometry rectangle by area enclosing the lake polygonmeter
lake_mbgrect_arearatioratio between lake_waterarea_ha converted to meters squared and the product of lake_mbgrect_length_m and lake_mbgrect_width_m; values near 1 indicate rectangular lake shape
lake_meanwidth_mmean width of the lake; calculated as lake_waterarea_ha converted to meters squared divided by lake_mbgconhull_length_mmeter
lake_connectivity_classmaximum hydrologic connectivity class of the focal lake determined from the NHD network considering both permanent and intermittent-ephemeral flow
lake_connectivity_fluctuatesindicates whether the lake connectivity classification depends on non-permanent flow
lake_connectivity_permanenthydrologic connectivity class of the focal lake determined from the NHD network considering only permanent flow
lake_lakes1ha_upstream_hatotal area of lakes greater than or equal to 1 ha upstream of the focal lake, connected via surface streamshectare
lake_lakes4ha_upstream_hatotal area of lakes greater than or equal to 4 ha upstream of the focal lake, connected via surface streamshectare
lake_lakes10ha_upstream_hatotal area of lakes greater than or equal to 10 ha upstream of the focal lake, connected via surface streamshectare
lake_lakes1ha_upstream_ncount of lakes greater than or equal to 1 ha upstream of the focal lake, connected via surface streamscount
lake_lakes4ha_upstream_ncount of lakes greater than or equal to 4 ha upstream of the focal lake, connected via surface streamscount
lake_lakes10ha_upstream_ncount of lakes greater than or equal to 10 ha upstream of the focal lake, connected via surface streamscount
lake_glaciatedlatewiscglaciation status during the Late Wisconsin glaciation; Glaciated status is assigned if any part of the lake polygon is inside the glacial extent