Includes information about lake identifiers used in LAGOS-US, information about lake location (i.e., lat, lon, and elevation), and the zone IDs for each spatial division containing the lake (e.g., state, county, hydrologic unit).
Variable name | Variable description | Units |
lagoslakeid | unique lake identifier developed by LAGOS-US | |
lake_nhdid | the unique Permanent_Identifier from the NHD for each LAGOS lake | |
lake_nhdfcode | NHD five-digit integer code with feature code plus additional characteristics or values | |
lake_nhdftype | NHD three-digit integer code providing a unique identifier of feature type for the waterbody | |
lake_reachcode | reach code assigned to the water feature by the NHD | |
lake_namegnis | lake name from the GNIS database | |
lake_namelagos | lake name from a combination of data sources; examples are GNIS, WQP, etc. | |
lake_onlandborder | flag indicating lake polygon is adjacent to or crosses the border with Canada or Mexico | |
lake_ismultipart | flag indicating that the focal lake polygon is multipart | |
lake_missingws | flag indicating that the WS for the lake was not delineated | |
lake_shapeflag | flag indicating lake polygon shape is angular, either triangular or rectangular, or is elongate and very thin relative to length; respectively may indicate the lake is less likely to be natural in origin or is more riverine | |
lake_lat_decdeg | latitude of central point inside the NHD lake polygon in decimal degrees; NAD83 projection | decimal degree |
lake_lon_decdeg | longitude of central point inside the NHD lake polygon in decimal degrees; NAD83 projection | decimal degree |
lake_elevation_m | the elevation of the lake polygon central point, in meters; referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 or NAVD88 and obtained from the National Elevation Dataset | meter |
lake_centroidstate | two-letter postal abbreviation of the state containing the lake central point | |
lake_states | two-letter postal abbreviations of all states intersecting the focal lake polygon | |
lake_county | name of county containing the focal lake polygon centroid | |
lake_countyfips | Federal Information Processing Standard, FIPS, code for the county containing the focal lake polygon centroid | |
lake_huc12 | the NHD code for the HUC12 containing the lake centroid | |
buff100_zoneid | unique 100 m buffer identifier assigned by LAGOS-US; identifier is equivalent to the focal lake lagoslakeid | |
buff500_zoneid | unique 500 m buffer identifier assigned by LAGOS-US; identifier is equivalent to the focal lake lagoslakeid | |
ws_zoneid | unique WS watershed identifier assigned by LAGOS-US; identifier is equivalent to the focal lake lagoslakeid | |
nws_zoneid | unique NWS watershed identifier assigned by LAGOS-US; identifier is equivalent to the focal lake lagoslakeid | |
hu12_zoneid | unique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division HU12 | |
hu8_zoneid | unique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division HU8 | |
hu4_zoneid | unique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division HU4 | |
county_zoneid | unique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division county | |
state_zoneid | unique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division state | |
epanutr_zoneid | unique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division EPA Nutrient Ecoregions | |
omernik3_zoneid | unique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division Omernik Level III Ecoregions | |
wwf_zoneid | unique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division World Wildlife Fund ecoregions | |
mlra_zoneid | unique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division Major Land Areas | |
bailey_zoneid | unique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division Baileys Ecoregions | |
neon_zoneid | unique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division National Ecological Observation Network |