Includes information about lake identifiers used in LAGOS-US, information about lake location (i.e., lat, lon, and elevation), and the zone IDs for each spatial division containing the lake (e.g., state, county, hydrologic unit).


Variable nameVariable descriptionUnits
lagoslakeidunique lake identifier developed by LAGOS-US
lake_nhdidthe unique Permanent_Identifier from the NHD for each LAGOS lake
lake_nhdfcodeNHD five-digit integer code with feature code plus additional characteristics or values
lake_nhdftypeNHD three-digit integer code providing a unique identifier of feature type for the waterbody
lake_reachcodereach code assigned to the water feature by the NHD
lake_namegnislake name from the GNIS database
lake_namelagoslake name from a combination of data sources; examples are GNIS, WQP, etc.
lake_onlandborderflag indicating lake polygon is adjacent to or crosses the border with Canada or Mexico
lake_ismultipartflag indicating that the focal lake polygon is multipart
lake_missingwsflag indicating that the WS for the lake was not delineated
lake_shapeflagflag indicating lake polygon shape is angular, either triangular or rectangular, or is elongate and very thin relative to length; respectively may indicate the lake is less likely to be natural in origin or is more riverine
lake_lat_decdeglatitude of central point inside the NHD lake polygon in decimal degrees; NAD83 projectiondecimal degree
lake_lon_decdeglongitude of central point inside the NHD lake polygon in decimal degrees; NAD83 projectiondecimal degree
lake_elevation_mthe elevation of the lake polygon central point, in meters; referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 or NAVD88 and obtained from the National Elevation Datasetmeter
lake_centroidstatetwo-letter postal abbreviation of the state containing the lake central point
lake_statestwo-letter postal abbreviations of all states intersecting the focal lake polygon
lake_countyname of county containing the focal lake polygon centroid
lake_countyfipsFederal Information Processing Standard, FIPS, code for the county containing the focal lake polygon centroid
lake_huc12the NHD code for the HUC12 containing the lake centroid
buff100_zoneidunique 100 m buffer identifier assigned by LAGOS-US; identifier is equivalent to the focal lake lagoslakeid
buff500_zoneidunique 500 m buffer identifier assigned by LAGOS-US; identifier is equivalent to the focal lake lagoslakeid
ws_zoneidunique WS watershed identifier assigned by LAGOS-US; identifier is equivalent to the focal lake lagoslakeid
nws_zoneidunique NWS watershed identifier assigned by LAGOS-US; identifier is equivalent to the focal lake lagoslakeid
hu12_zoneidunique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division HU12
hu8_zoneidunique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division HU8
hu4_zoneidunique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division HU4
county_zoneidunique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division county
state_zoneidunique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division state
epanutr_zoneidunique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division EPA Nutrient Ecoregions
omernik3_zoneidunique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division Omernik Level III Ecoregions
wwf_zoneidunique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division World Wildlife Fund ecoregions
mlra_zoneidunique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division Major Land Areas
bailey_zoneidunique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division Baileys Ecoregions
neon_zoneidunique identifier assigned by LAGOS-US for zones in the spatial division National Ecological Observation Network