Includes identifiers, location, and geometry for the calculated watersheds (WS) and network watersheds (NWS).


Variable nameVariable descriptionUnits
lagoslakeidunique lake identifier developed by LAGOS-US
ws_zoneidunique WS watershed identifier assigned by LAGOS-US; identifier is equivalent to the focal lake lagoslakeid
nws_zoneidunique NWS watershed identifier assigned by LAGOS-US; identifier is equivalent to the focal lake lagoslakeid
ws_subtypewatershed subtype class for the watershed; LC equals local catchment, DWS equals drainage-watershed, IDWS equals inter-drainage-lake watershed
ws_equalsnwsflag indicating that the ws is equivalent to the nws
ws_onlandborderflag indicating zone is adjacent to or crosses the border with Canada or Mexico
ws_oncoastflag indicating the zone is adjacent to an ocean or Great Lakes coast
ws_inusa_pctpercent of the zone polygon that is within the US borderpercent
ws_includeshu4inletflag indicating the WS extends beyond the focal HU4 and is connected via an inlet to an adjoining HU4
ws_ismultipartflag indicating that the focal zone polygon is multipart
ws_sliverflagflag indicating extreme cases where the watershed is comprised of slivers due to flat or constrained terrain that may not accurately reflect surface drainage
nws_onlandborderflag indicating zone is adjacent to or crosses the border with Canada or Mexico
nws_oncoastflag indicating the zone is adjacent to an ocean or Great Lakes coast
nws_inusa_pctpercent of the zone polygon that is within the US borderpercent
nws_includeshu4inletflag indicating the NWS extends beyond the focal HU4 and is connected via an inlet to an adjoining HU4
nws_ismultipartflag indicating that the focal zone polygon is multipart
ws_statestwo-letter postal abbreviations of all states intersecting the zone polygon
ws_focallakewaterarea_hasurface area of focal lake for which the WS is calculatedhectare
ws_area_haarea of zone polygonhectare
ws_perimeter_mperimeter of zone polygon including perimeter of any internal holesmeter
ws_lake_arearatioratio between WS area and lake water area
ws_mbgconhull_length_mthe maximum possible distance between any two vertices of the minimum bounding geometry convex hull that encloses the WS polygonmeter
ws_mbgconhull_width_mthe maximum width of the WS convex hull polygon along an axis perpendicular to the axis defined by the convex hull lengthmeter
ws_mbgconhull_orientation_degorientation of the line defining the convex hull length; calculated as decimal degrees clockwise from northdegree
ws_meanwidth_mmean width of the WS polygon; calculated as ws_area_ha converted to hectares and divided by ws_mbgconhull_length_mmeter
ws_lat_decdeglatitude of the focal lake central point in decimal degrees; NAD83 projectiondecimaldegree
ws_lon_decdeglongitude of the focal lake central point in decimal degrees; NAD83 projectiondecimaldegree
nws_statestwo-letter postal abbreviations of all states intersecting the zone polygon
nws_focallakewaterarea_hasurface area of focal lake for which the NWS is calculatedhectare
nws_area_haarea of zone polygonhectare
nws_perimeter_mperimeter of zone polygon including perimeters of any internal holesmeter
nws_lake_arearatioratio between NWS area and lake water area
nws_mbgconhull_length_mthe maximum possible distance between any two vertices of the minimum bounding geometry convex hull that encloses the NWS polygonmeter
nws_mbgconhull_width_mthe maximum width of the NWS convex hull polygon along an axis perpendicular to the axis defined by the convex hull lengthmeter
nws_mbgconhull_orientation_degorientation of the line defining the convex hull length; calculated as decimal degrees clockwise from northdegree
nws_meanwidth_mmean width of the NWS polygon; calculated as nws_area_ha converted to hectares and divided by nws_mbgconhull_length_mmeter
nws_lat_decdeglatitude of the focal lake central point in decimal degrees; NAD83 projectiondecimal degree
nws_lon_decdeglongitude of the focal lake central point in decimal degrees; NAD83 projectiondecimal degree