LAGOSUS Chemical and physical data

Variable nameVariable descriptionUnits
lagoslakeidunique lake identifier developed by LAGOSUSNULL
eventid_epiunique event identifier that is a combination of programid, lakeid, and date for each sampling event in LAGOSNULL
site_legacyidunique sample site identifier provided by the source of the data; this is not standardardized and each source dataset has its own systemNULL
program_idunique integer program identifier assigned by LAGOSUSNULL
program_namename of sampling program that collected the dataNULL
event_datedate, as YYYY-MM-DD, when the lake was sampled by the source programYYYY-MM-DD
site_idunique sample site identifier created by the LAGOSUSNULL
site_lat_decdeglatitude of the sample siteDecimal Degrees
site_lon_decdeglongitude of the sample siteDecimal Degrees
program_typetype of program that provided the dataNULL
alk_ueqlalkalinity, microequivalents per literMicroequivalents per Liter
alk_qualifier_legacyflagalkalinity data flags from the source programNULL
alk_qualifier_legacyflagdescalkalinity data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
alk_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for alkalinity that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
alk_detectionlimit_legacyvaluealkalinity detection limit used by the source programNULL
alk_detectionlimit_legacyunitalkalinity detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
alk_methodalkalinity analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
ca_mglcalcium, dissolved, milligrams per literMilligrams per Liter
ca_qualifier_legacyflagcalcium, dissolved data flags from the source programNULL
ca_qualifier_legacyflagdesccalcium, dissolved data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
ca_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for calcium, dissolved that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
ca_detectionlimit_legacyvaluecalcium, dissolved detection limit used by the source programNULL
ca_detectionlimit_legacyunitcalcium, dissolved detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
ca_methodcalcium, dissolved analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
cl_mglchloride, dissolved, milligrams per literMilligrams per Liter
cl_qualifier_legacyflagchloride, dissolved data flags from the source programNULL
cl_qualifier_legacyflagdescchloride, dissolved data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
cl_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for chloride, dissolved that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
cl_detectionlimit_legacyvaluechloride, dissolved detection limit used by the source programNULL
cl_detectionlimit_legacyunitchloride, dissolved detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
cl_methodchloride, dissolved analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
spcond_uscmspecific conductance, microsiemens per cm at 25CMicrosiemens per Centimeter
spcond_qualifier_legacyflagspecific conductance data flags from the source programNULL
spcond_qualifier_legacyflagdescspecific conductance data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
spcond_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for specific conductance that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
spcond_detectionlimit_legacyvaluespecific conductance detection limit used by the source programNULL
spcond_detectionlimit_legacyunitspecific conductance detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
spcond_methodspecific conductance analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
do_mgloxygen, dissolved, milligrams per literMilligrams per Liter
do_qualifier_legacyflagoxygen, dissolved data flags from the source programNULL
do_qualifier_legacyflagdescoxygen, dissolved data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
do_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for dissolved oxygen that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
do_detectionlimit_legacyvalueoxygen, dissolved detection limit used by the source programNULL
do_detectionlimit_legacyunitoxygen, dissolved detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
do_methodoxygen, dissolved analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
mg_mglmagnesium, dissolved, milligrams per literMilligrams per Liter
mg_qualifier_legacyflagmagnesium, dissolved data flags from the source programNULL
mg_qualifier_legacyflagdescmagnesium, dissolved data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
mg_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for magnesium, dissolved that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
mg_detectionlimit_legacyvaluemagnesium, dissolved detection limit used by the source programNULL
mg_detectionlimit_legacyunitmagnesium, dissolved detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
mg_methodmagnesium, dissolved analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
ph_eqpH, equilibratedNULL
ph_eq_qualifier_legacyflagpH, equilibrated data flags from the source programNULL
ph_eq_qualifier_legacyflagdescpH, equilibrated data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
ph_eq_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for ph_eq that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
ph_eq_detectionlimit_legacyvaluepH, equilibrated detection limit used by the source programNULL
ph_eq_detectionlimit_legacyunitpH, equilibrated detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
ph_eq_methodpH, equilibrated analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
ph_fieldpH, field or closedNULL
ph_field_qualifier_legacyflagpH, field or closed data flags from the source programNULL
ph_field_qualifier_legacyflagdescpH, field or closed data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
ph_field_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for ph_field that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
ph_field_detectionlimit_legacyvaluepH, field or closed detection limit used by the source programNULL
ph_field_detectionlimit_legacyunitpH, field or closed detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
ph_field_methodpH, field or closed analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
salinity_mglsalinity, milligrams per literMilligrams per Liter
salinity_qualifier_legacyflagsalinity data flags from the source programNULL
salinity_qualifier_legacyflagdescsalinity data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
salinity_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for salinity that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
salinity_detectionlimit_legacyvaluesalinity detection limit used by the source programNULL
salinity_detectionlimit_legacyunitsalinity detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
salinity_methodsalinity analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
so4_mglsulfate, dissolved, milligrams per liter as SO4Milligrams per Liter
so4_qualifier_legacyflagsulfate, dissolved data flags from the source programNULL
so4_qualifier_legacyflagdescsulfate, dissolved data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
so4_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for sulfate, dissolved that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
so4_detectionlimit_legacyvaluesulfate, dissolved detection limit used by the source programNULL
so4_detectionlimit_legacyunitsulfate, dissolved detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
so4_methodsulfate, dissolved analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
temp_degctemperature, degrees CelsiusDegrees Celcius
temp_qualifier_legacyflagtemperature data flags from the source programNULL
temp_qualifier_legacyflagdesctemperature data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
temp_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for temperature that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
temp_detectionlimit_legacyvaluetemperature detection limit used by the source programNULL
temp_detectionlimit_legacyunittemperature detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
temp_methodtemperature analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL