LAGOSUS Contaminant data

Variable nameVariable descriptionUnits
eventid_epiunique event identifier that is a combination of programid, lakeid, and date for each sampling event in LAGOSNULL
site_legacyidunique sample site identifier provided by the source of the data; this is not standardardized and each source dataset has its own systemNULL
program_idunique integer program identifier assigned by LAGOSUSNULL
program_namename of sampling program that collected the dataNULL
event_datedate, as YYYY-MM-DD, when the lake was sampled by the source programYYYY-MM-DD
site_idunique sample site identifier created by the LAGOSUSNULL
lagoslakeidunique lake identifier developed by LAGOSUSNULL
site_lat_decdeglatitude of the sample siteDecimal Degrees
site_lon_decdeglongitude of the sample siteDecimal Degrees
program_typetype of program that provided the dataNULL
al_tot_uglaluminum, total, micrograms per literMicrograms per Liter
al_tot_qualifier_legacyflagaluminum, total data flags from the source programNULL
al_tot_qualifier_legacyflagdescaluminum, total data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
al_tot_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for aluminum, total that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
al_tot_detectionlimit_legacyvaluealuminum, total detection limit used by the source programNULL
al_tot_detectionlimit_legacyunitaluminum, total detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
al_tot_methodaluminum, total analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
al_diss_uglaluminum, dissolved, micrograms per literMicrograms per Liter
al_diss_qualifier_legacyflagaluminum, dissolved data flags from the source programNULL
al_diss_qualifier_legacyflagdescaluminum, dissolved data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
al_diss_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for aluminum, dissolved that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
al_diss_detectionlimit_legacyvaluealuminum, dissolved detection limit used by the source programNULL
al_diss_detectionlimit_legacyunitaluminum, dissolved detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
al_diss_methodaluminum, dissolved analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
as_tot_uglarsenic, total, micrograms per literMicrograms per Liter
as_tot_qualifier_legacyflagarsenic, total data flags from the source programNULL
as_tot_qualifier_legacyflagdescarsenic, total data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
as_tot_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for arsenic, total that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
as_tot_detectionlimit_legacyvaluearsenic, total detection limit used by the source programNULL
as_tot_detectionlimit_legacyunitarsenic, total detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
as_tot_methodarsenic, total analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
as_diss_uglarsenic, dissolved, micrograms per literMicrograms per Liter
as_diss_qualifier_legacyflagarsenic, dissolved data flags from the source programNULL
as_diss_qualifier_legacyflagdescarsenic, dissolved data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
as_diss_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for arsenic, dissolved that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
as_diss_detectionlimit_legacyvaluearsenic, dissolved detection limit used by the source programNULL
as_diss_detectionlimit_legacyunitarsenic, dissolved detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
as_diss_methodarsenic, dissolved analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
atz_tot_uglatrazine, total, micrograms per literMicrograms per Liter
atz_tot_qualifier_legacyflagatrazine, total data flags from the source programNULL
atz_tot_qualifier_legacyflagdescatrazine, total data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
atz_tot_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for atrazine, total that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
atz_tot_detectionlimit_legacyvalueatrazine, total detection limit used by the source programNULL
atz_tot_detectionlimit_legacyunitatrazine, total detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
atz_tot_methodatrazine, total analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
atz_diss_uglatrazine, dissolved, micrograms per literMicrograms per Liter
atz_diss_qualifier_legacyflagatrazine, dissolved data flags from the source programNULL
atz_diss_qualifier_legacyflagdescatrazine, dissolved data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
atz_diss_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for atrazine, dissolved that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
atz_diss_detectionlimit_legacyvalueatrazine, dissolved detection limit used by the source programNULL
atz_diss_detectionlimit_legacyunitatrazine, dissolved detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
atz_diss_methodatrazine, dissolved analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
ecoli_cfu100mlE. coli CFU, colony forming units per 100mlColony Forming Units per 100 Milliliters
ecoli_cfu_qualifier_legacyflagE. coli CFU data flags from the source programNULL
ecoli_cfu_qualifier_legacyflagdescE. coli CFU data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
ecoli_cfu_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for E. coli, cfu that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
ecoli_cfu_detectionlimit_legacyvalueE. coli CFU detection limit used by the source programNULL
ecoli_cfu_detectionlimit_legacyunitE. coli CFU detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
ecoli_cfu_methodE. coli CFU analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
ecoli_mpn100mlE. coli MPN, most probable number per 100mlMost Probable Number per 100 Milliliters
ecoli_mpn_qualifier_legacyflagE. coli MPN data flags from the source programNULL
ecoli_mpn_qualifier_legacyflagdescE. coli MPN data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
ecoli_mpn_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for E. coli, MPN that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
ecoli_mpn_detectionlimit_legacyvalueE. coli MPN detection limit used by the source programNULL
ecoli_mpn_detectionlimit_legacyunitE. coli MPN detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
ecoli_mpn_methodE. coli MPN analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
hg_tot_nglmercury, total, nanograms per literNanograms per Liter
hg_tot_qualifier_legacyflagmercury, total data flags from the source programNULL
hg_tot_qualifier_legacyflagdescmercury, total data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
hg_tot_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for mercury, total that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
hg_tot_detectionlimit_legacyvaluemercury, total detection limit used by the source programNULL
hg_tot_detectionlimit_legacyunitmercury, total detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
hg_tot_methodmercury, total analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
hg_totdiss_nglmercury, total dissolved, nanograms per literNanograms per Liter
hg_totdiss_qualifier_legacyflagmercury, total dissolved data flags from the source programNULL
hg_totdiss_qualifier_legacyflagdescmercury, total dissolved data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
hg_totdiss_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for mercury, dissolved that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
hg_totdiss_detectionlimit_legacyvaluemercury, total dissolved detection limit used by the source programNULL
hg_totdiss_detectionlimit_legacyunitmercury, total dissolved detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
hg_totdiss_methodmercury, total dissolved analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
mehg_tot_nglmethylmercury, total, nanograms per liter as HgNanograms per Liter
mehg_tot_qualifier_legacyflagmethylmercury, total data flags from the source programNULL
mehg_tot_qualifier_legacyflagdescmethylmercury, total data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
mehg_tot_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for methylmercury, total that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
mehg_tot_detectionlimit_legacyvaluemethylmercury, total detection limit used by the source programNULL
mehg_tot_detectionlimit_legacyunitmethylmercury, total detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
mehg_tot_methodmethylmercury, total analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
se_tot_uglselenium, total, micrograms per literMicrograms per Liter
se_tot_qualifier_legacyflagselemium, total data flags from the source programNULL
se_tot_qualifier_legacyflagdescselemium, total data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
se_tot_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for seleneium, total that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
se_tot_detectionlimit_legacyvalueselenium, total detection limit used by the source programNULL
se_tot_detectionlimit_legacyunitselenium, total detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
se_tot_methodselenium, total analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL
se_diss_uglselenium, dissolved, micrograms per literMicrograms per Liter
se_diss_qualifier_legacyflagselenium, dissolved data flags from the source programNULL
se_diss_qualifier_legacyflagdescselenium, dissolved data flag descriptions from the source programNULL
se_diss_censorcodethe LAGOSUS assigned censor code for selenium, dissolved that indicates whether the value is censored depending on information from the source program data flags, the detection limit, or the value itselfNULL
se_diss_detectionlimit_legacyvalueselenium, dissolved detection limit used by the source programNULL
se_diss_detectionlimit_legacyunitselenium, dissolved detection limit unit used by the source programNULL
se_diss_methodselenium, dissolved analytical procedure, from a standards body if availableNULL