LAGOSUS LIMNO Data sources
Variable name | Variable description | Units |
program_id | unique integer program identifier assigned by LAGOSUS | NULL |
program_name | name of sampling program that collected the data | NULL |
program_description | description of sampling program that collected the data | NULL |
program_type | type of program that provided the data | NULL |
program_startdate | start date, as YYYY-MM-DD, of data provided by the source program | YYYY-MM-DD |
program_enddate | end date, as YYYY-MM-DD, of data provided by the source program | YYYY-MM-DD |
program_analytelist | list of analytes collected by the source program | NULL |
program_lake_n | number of lakes sampled by the source program | Count |
program_wqpaccess | data for the program was downloaded from the USGS Water Quality Portal (WQP) | NULL |
program_lagosplatform | data provided by the program is included in LAGOSUS or LAGOSNE | NULL |